This scholarship fund is made possible through a generous donation from Ms. Dale Andrews and is created in the memory of

Larry-Stuart Deutsch, MD, FRCPC, FACR, FSIR 


About Dr. Larry-Stuart Deutsch:

Dr. Deutsch was a long-standing member and supporter of the Western Angiographic & Interventional Society. He frequently served as program faculty for the annual conference and enjoyed moderating the popular M&M case-based session. Dr. Deutsch was a Professor at UC Davis and UC Irvine Medical Centers and in the later years of his professional career he served as a consultant to the Joint Commission.

He studied mathematics and engineering at MIT (Cambridge, MA) and earned his medical degree at McGill University (Montreal, Canada). He also completed a surgical residency at McGill, research at Erasmus University (Rotterdam, Netherlands), and radiology residency and IR fellowship at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).  

Larry truly enjoyed teaching and passing his knowledge and skills to the next generation of Interventional Radiologists.  While teaching, Larry stressed the importance of the multi-disciplinary allied health team and strong patient engagement skills. He believed both were vital components to the delivery of exemplary care. 

The scholarship name (the use of his initials) is both a homage to Dr. Deutsch’s contributions to IR and a wink to his fabulous sense of humor and his own reference to being a “product of the 60s”.

Fund Purpose:

The Larry-Stuart Deutsch Memorial Scholarship Fund is awarded to Interventional Radiologists-in-training to assist with travel and accommodation expenses to attend the annual Western Angiographic & Interventional Society (WAIS) CME conference.  

Scholarship Award Amount:

The WAIS Scholarship Committee shall award (4) scholarships annually, each in the amount of $4000 for a total of $16,000 annually, beginning in 2024. 

Scholarship Fund Use Conditions: 

The awarded funds are intended to be used by each recipient to reimburse the cost of travel and accommodations associated with attendance to the annual Western Angiographic & Interventional Society conference.  

  • The recipient shall be responsible for booking their own flights, ground transportation and hotel accommodations.  
  • The recipient is expected to book their hotel reservations at the WAIS conference venue, utilizing the contracted WAIS room block. 
  • The award is conditional to attendance at the WAIS conference for the year of the application and these funds are not available for attendance at other IR conferences.  

WAIS Conference Dates:

The Annual WAIS Conference is a 4.5 day conference that is scheduled some time between the first week of September to the second week of October depending on the location.  In even numbered years (2024, 2026, etc), the conference is held in Hawaii and in odd numbered years (2023, 2025, etc) the location is somewhere on the mainland, within the WAIS member region. The 2024 Conference is scheduled for Sept. 21-26 at the Grand Hyatt Kauai, Hawaii.

WAIS Comped Registration:

WAIS will comp conference registration for recipients selected to receive the LSD scholarship funds.  Conference registration has an approximate value of $1k per person.


Application & Award Criteria:

Training Program Location 

Each year, there shall be a total of four scholarship awards.  A minimum of two awardees will be selected from applicants enrolled in training programs that are within the WAIS membership region (15 Western States and BC Canada). See WAIS US region map below.  Up to two additional awards may be awarded from applicants enrolled in any program in United States or Canada.

Years in Training  

Applicants shall be enrolled in an integrated or independent IR residency (ESIR included) or in an IR fellowship in the United States or Canada at the time of the application.  At least one of the four awardees must be in their final year of IR Training.

Excellence in Patient Care  

Letters of recommendation should not only focus on the applicant’s excellence in medicine but also provide examples of the applicant's compassion towards patients and commitment to patient engagement.

Application Materials:

Applicants shall submit the following materials through the WAIS electronic submission forms.

1. Name, institution, year of training, contact information

2. Statements of interest answering the following questions:

    • What motivates you to pursue a career in Interventional Radiology
    • Identify a challenge faced by IR as a field and discuss how do you envision addressing it in an impactful way.
    • Describe an instance where an inequity or disparity undermined a patient’s understanding of IR procedures or their access to IR care. 
    • How do you plan to mitigate such disparities throughout your career?
    3. Two letters of recommendation:
    • One from a physician mentor or IR program director.
    • One from an allied health professional familiar with the applicant’s interpersonal skills and interactions with the multidisciplinary health care team.

    Annual Application Schedule:

    • Scholarship Applications Accepted:  Feb. 1st - Apr. 25th (5 pm PST).
    • Committee Review of Applications & LORs: Apr. 26th - May 13th
    • Recipient Notifications:  May 14th
    • Recipient Announcements:  At the annual conference
    • Distribution of Funds:  A check for the full amount of the scholarship award will be presented to selected applicants upon arrival and check in at the annual conference.  

    Ready to Apply for an LSD Scholarship?

    Submit materials through the WAIS electronic submission forms.  

    1. Click Submit Application to provide information about you and submit your statements of interest.  

    2. Instruct your reference writers to Click Submit References to enter their contact information and reference statements.


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